A few weeks ago the children learned that "God Always Wins" through the story of Pharoh, Moses & the Israelites. To reinforce the story and Biblical truth, we made the kids their very own Red Sea. Although they had fun walking on the sand & looking through the little window, I think we had just as much fun making it!
Because the playschool is co-operative, parents serve as "duty-parents" or teaching assistants on a rotational basis. It's a time when parents can truly focus on their child or children.
Making snowflakes with shaving cream & glue with sparkles may be a little messy, but it sure is FUN! A work of art. Stickers are to put on our hand-made drums AND noses.
Dressing up is fun! Kids can be a princess, a tricycle-riding police officer or a "fire mouse".... or whatever they want to be! We're always looking for new costumes & dress-up clothes. Let us know if you have any to donate. We'll gladly come pick them up.
Kids LOVE to explore new textures with their hands. The sensory bin allows them the opportunity to play in jello, sand, water, ice, cotton-balls or whatever we dream up for them!