Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 27, 2011: God Parts the Red Sea... God's Awesome Power!

Today our Little Seedlings learned about how God parted the Red Sea so His people could escape from captivity in Egypt and how God led them with a cloud by day and fire by night.

As and introduction to the Ten Commandments in a couple of weeks, we've introduced the children to our playschool rules: Be Kind, Share & Use Walking Feet. It's been great to see how the kids are following them!

October 20, 2011: Playschool At the Veurink Farm

Our Little Seedlings were again blessed to be able to visit the Veurink's farm! After helping to collect eggs and a visit with the ponies (and the baby pony!), horses, chickens, bunnies and pigs, Mr. Fritz gave us all a fabulous ride through their beautiful river valley.

We shared snacks over coffee, hot apple cider and juice.

As always, the children LOVED playing on the teeter-totter and in the huge sandbox complete with a toy barn, tractors, diggers and trucks!

To end our morning, Farmer Fritz and Alissa gave the children rides on one of the Veurink's horses. Some were fearful, some were somewhat apprehensive but went anyway (and then wanted to go again!), some were THRILLED!

Thank you SO much for again sharing your farm with us Mr. Fritz & Mrs. Alice Marie! You are a blessing to us mothers and grandmothers and our children and grandchildren.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Unleavened Bread Recipe

Here's the recipe for unleavened bread:

Cream together

¼ cup sugar

¾ cup shortening

Mix in

1 tsp. salt

1½ cups buttermilk

½ tsp. baking soda

Add 4–5 cups flour.

Divide the dough into four balls. Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it is

wafer thin. Place the dough on a greased cookie sheet. Prick it to prevent

shrinkage. Bake at 450 degrees until it is light brown, approximately 15–20


October 13, 2011: God Ordains the Passover... The Power & Sovereignty of God

This morning our Little Seedlings learned about the power and sovereignty of God through the very first Passover and how Jesus is our Passover lamb.

“So you shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for
on this same day I will have brought your armies out of the
land of Egypt. Therefore you shall observe this day throughout
your generations as an everlasting ordinance”
(Exodus 12:17).

The kids made (and ate!) unleavened bread as they learned about Passover.

The kids had fun crafting doorposts to remember how God protected His people.
As always, the kids love worshiping and praising God with Mrs. Alissa!

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October 6, 2011: Birds, Bugs (and other plagues) & Thankfulness

In our opening circle time, our Little Seedlings shared something for which they are thankful and our older class made turkey puppets.

Today's lesson was about how God sent plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7-10).  The children played with bugs in our colourful rice sensory bin and then learned about how God showed His awesome power through the plagues.  Our 2-3s made frog puppets to remember how God showed His power.

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September 29, 2011: God is Holy & Eternal...God Raises Moses to Lead Israel

This week our Little Seedlings learned how God revealed Himself to Moses in a miraculous way (in the burning bush!) and how He called Moses to lead Israel. The children learned that God is holy and to praise God because He is holy and eternal. God does what He plans to do.


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September 22, 2011: Trusting God When Bad Things Happen.... God Prepares Israel for Deliverance

Our Little Seedlings are back!  This fall we're teaching the Little Seedlings the Exodus curriculum from Generations of Grace.  In the first lesson, the children learned to trust God (as Moses' mother did) and that God does not forget His people.  They learned how God protected baby Moses and prepared him to lead the Israelites.

In the sensory bin, the kids investigated what would float (like baby Moses' basket) and what would sink.  In the playroom we built creations with cardboard blocks and talked about how God's people were slaves in Egypt and had to make bricks out of clay and straw for the Egyptians.

We have lots of new faces joining last year's Little Seedlings!  All the kids are enjoying all the new toys that we have been able to purchase from our Mother's Market fundraiser.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to Little Seedlings

It has been a great summer but where did the time go? It seems like we were just having our wind up and now it's time to head back to playschool.

We're having a registration/playtime on Thursday, Sept. 15th from 9:20-11:15 a.m. Bring the kiddos and come for a morning of fun and fellowship. Our regular group will begin Thurs. Sept. 22nd at 9:20.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please direct them to Lezlie or Linda.

We look forward to seeing you soon!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

More pictures




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Egg decorating eggstaveganza





We colored eggs as our edible craft.
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